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Home: HR NGOs: Resources for NGOs Home: HR NGOs: Foundations Home: Resources & Tools: Fundraising |
Funding Sources |
- Charles Stewart Mott Foundation
- Charity Know How - for Central and Eastern Europe and the Newly Independent States
- eBay Foundation
- Eurasia Foundation Grants
- Freedom House Grants
- Ford Foundation
- Foundation Center - help for grantseekers
- Funders Online - Europe
- German Marshall Fund of the United States
- Global Fund for Women
- KIOS - The Finnish NGO Foundation for Human Rights
- MacArthur Foundation
- National Endowment for Democracy Grants
- New Voices
- Ottiger Foundation
- Rockefeller Brothers Fund - dedicated to improving the well-being of all people in the transition global interdependence.
- Rockefeller Family Fund - US
- Soros Foundations
- Technology Funding for Nonprofits
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