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Haiti |
- Amnesty Int'l Reports on Haiti
- Constitution - Constitución
- For the Record (UN Human Rights Activities on Haiti): 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997
- Haiti's Truth and Justice Commission - 1996 article
- International Civilian Mission in Haiti - OAS/UN
- Haiti's Prospects - HRW
- Haiti Support Group
- Human Rights Watch Reports on Haiti
- Legal Documents on Human Rights Issues - by Project Diana
- National Coalition for Haitian Rights - ngo
- Peace Brigades International - Haiti - ngo
- Refugee Information
- US State Department Human Rights Reports on Haiti: 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996
- US State Department Reports on Religious Freedom in Haiti: 2000 | 1999
- Washington Office on Haiti - ngo
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